Santa Claus

In Des Moines




















































To schedule a visit  or call 515-635-5721

Visit Santa on Gig Salad



I AM ?

Well of course you do. 

 In America I am called SANTA CLAUS.

But in some countries children call me Saint Nikolas or Sinterclaus, Father Frost, Old Man ChristmasPere Noel or Baboo Natalie.

Do you know why St. Nicholas 

Is the Patron Saint of children?

Because children who are young at heart 

Believe in Santa

 And I believe in you too.

Santa has a Secret.

I know that children are the

Light of the World 


They Are Our Hope For The Future




You see children the Jolly Old Elf is a Magical Spirit
virtually brimming with happiness and joy.


In the land of France children expect Pere Noel to visit them

with candy treats and little presents made of wood. 

In Italy, Baboo Natalie comes in search of the Wisemen and the Baby King.


In Holland the little ones are looking for SinterKlass to visit them.


But here in America all good little girls and boys 

who believe receive a visit from Santa Claus.

Nothing makes me sadder than a child

Who doesn't Believe in me

How could you not Believe in me?






The children in England call me

Grandfather Christmas










 Has anyone ever said “You look like Santa Claus.”
or “You would make a good Santa.”?

Well, that was how it all began.

Immediately I noticed the man saying that looked just like me. But I never seriously considered it. First of all I was too young, too light-weight, too busy, too preoccupied, too self-absorbed, too busy, etc.

Then I considered all of the animals my portraying Santa would help. This was an animal charity that was encouraging me to put on the suit. I did some research on portraying Santa and realized that most of these men looked “just like me.” Maybe my self-image wasn’t keeping up with my advancing years. Maybe I wasn’t who I thought I was. Just maybe the time for me to become Santa Claus had come. 

The real test came when I realized I would have to commit to a financial investment. First of all Santa had to have a suit. I couldn’t pretend to be the Spirit of Christmas and expect the charity to provide me with the suit. No, I’d have to order some real Santa stuff. I’d have to put up some real money and buy myself a real Santa Suit.

I researched and found a moderately priced suit I could afford. Nothing fancy, but a nice utilitarian suit.

I helped out the charity. And then another one. And another one. At some point, someone asked me if I did private visits. I had never really thought about it, but why not?

So, I did a few private visits. And then, my regular job disappeared. Hello recession. I decided I could make a little money portraying Santa, so I started advertising.

One of my first visits was for a local car enthusiast club. They wanted Santa to meet them at a local Pizza / Video game establishment. This was the biggest group I had ever done. This was the first group I didn’t really know, so needless to say, I was nervous. My “Mrs. Claus” came with me. Partially, I think to help calm my nerves.

This visit went well. But it went quick. Only about 30 minutes or so. Since the guy who hired me had paid for 60 minutes, he decided that we should wander around and visit with the other customers at the pizza place.

As we were walking around talking to people, taking pictures, a little girl with short brown hair and a purple flowered dress was standing off to the side looking at me. I got down on my knees and motioned her over to talk. She ran up to me and threw her little arms around me and hugged me for all she was worth. I couldn't help but HO, HO, HO. I took her by the shoulders and gently pushed her back so I could see her face and look into her eyes. At that moment I saw something I had never seen before; unconditional love. She didn't know me. But clearly she loved me. She saw me as Santa Claus.

Now, I knew where to find my story. What I would do. I also knew one very important thing. The look in the eyes of this little girl had touched my heart and showed me the way. I understood the meaning and the magic Santa Claus.

Yes, that’s right Santa is a magical Spirit, the Spirit of Christmas. He shows Christmas happiness and joy and the magic of the holiday. The Spirit of Christmas infects the hearts and minds of people all over the world. The joyous expression of giving, sharing love and happiness with others is the foundation of this gift giving festival of life.

Sixteen centuries ago a Christian Bishop of Myra gave his entire inheritance to those that needed his help. He believed all mankind were the children of his God and therefore they were his children, too.

He believed that children are the Hope of the world.

And I, too, believe.




One year, a little girl asked me 


Well, I started to explain to her the basic historical progression from Saint Nicholas (the gift-giver) through Pere Noel, Baboo Natalie, Kris Kringle, Sinterklass, etc. But I could see (by the look in her eyes) this wasn't satisfactory. This wasn't what she meant. She wanted to know WHO my parents were. Well, I was caught by surprise. How could I not have seen this question coming? So, I slept on it and during the night the answer came to me (as is so often the case). 

You see basically Santa Claus is a magical creature who is made from Stardust. His mother was Mother Nature and we use holly, ivy, and even the mistletoe to symbolically remind us that (even in the dead of winter) Mother Nature promises us that just like the evergreen (the conifer tree) life is Eternal. His father was Father Time and that's why Santa can deliver toys to all the good little girls and boys (who believe) in just one night.




Sometimes children ask me 


Oh, my goodness "NO" I tell them. 

 Santa is much too old a spirit to be making all the toys.

Santa can’t work so hard.

Elves make the toys.


“Do you know the names of Santa’s elves?”

MATTEL is my oldest Elf. He's been with me the longest.

Then there's HASBRO. He's the boss of the Elves.

I like to call him "My Little Bro."

And of course there are the twins; FISHER & PRICE. They're mischievous little rascals. Always playing tricks on Santa and the others.

And of course there's  TONKA.

He's the biggest Elf of them all. He's so big some people say he's


And finally there's Mrs. Claus' singing Elf; Presley.

Elfis Presley 

Mrs. Claus calls him "The King of the Elves." 




The symbolic significance of the evergreen is Natures Promise of Everlasting Life. Even in the dead of winter the evergreen (confers, holly, mistletoe) remain alive and can be observed in their green and living condition. You see inside the acorn there is no actual tree but there does live within it the idea of a tree. Of course an acorn cannot ask for help, it cannot move nor can it even think on its own. But it does retain the intention that inside there exists a tree.


 When it becomes buried by its surroundings and overwhelmed by natural circumstances, it begins to express this idea of a tree. An acorn does not wish to be more than it is. Nor would it complain about its circumstances if it could. 


It simply makes use of the energy it holds within itself to manifest Nature's purpose; its intention to become a tree. To bring that idea to life.


When the rain and floods come, the little acorn doesn't fear adversity NOR would it

hide from life's tribulations even if it could.

It uses the water to nurture the idea that IT IS A TREE.

When the heat of the sun shines upon it, the acorn focuses the warmth and energy from the sun and begins to transform this idea of a tree into reality. This is its destiny.


 The acorn represents REBIRTH and Natures Promise that even in the dead of winter

Everything will be reborn.

Even for those things that die in winter . . . the HOPE of SPRING still exists.

And it is Mother Nature’s example to all living things

That life is eternal and we too will all live again. 













To schedule a visit  or call 515-635-5721

Visit Santa on Gig Salad